Develop shared charging stations in your company car park


You can offer your employees a genuine booking interface to ensure everyone can access a charging point for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. In this way, you can promote low-carbon mobility and significantly improve your CSR policy.

A web & mobile application to develop

sustainable mobility in your car park!


Of British people who own an electric vehicle think that access to a charging point is essential in the workplace.


All new non-residential buildings with more than 10 parking spaces must have a minimum of one chargepoint and cable routes for one in five (20%) of the total number of spaces.


Electric and hybrid vehicles will account for 40% of purchase intentions by the end of 2023. Between 145 and 230 million EVs will be on the road in 2030 (worldwide).

Opt for intelligent management of your charging stations


icone-cas-dusage-reservation  Make it easy to book a chargin stations

Via Sharvy, your employees can plan their days on-site by declaring their presence & reserving and/or freeing a parking space equipped with a recharging point.

icone-electrique   Electrify your vehicle fleet

By installing charging stations for your employees, you can electrify your fleet (company vehicles and vans) using a single recharging infrastructure skilfully managed via the Sharvy application.

Strengthen your employee experience & employer brand

icone-cas-dusage-bien-etre  Promote well-being and QWL

By installing and subtly controlling your charging stations, you can improve the day-to-day lives of your employees : their batteries are “topped up” during their working day(s).

icone-cas-dusage-satisfaction  Boost your company’s appeal

You’re positioning yourself as a forerunner on CSR issues & you’re providing concrete answers to the constraints linked to battery autonomy that may (still) be holding back the growth of electric vehicles.


Optimise the use of your shared charging stations


icone-cas-dusage-analyse  Collect & analyse usage data

Sharvy provides administrators with : a list of loads carried out per day, details of the loads (duration, energy supplied and kWh, users), and an Excel export of the data.

icone-cas-dusage-budget  Generate new revenues

It’s up to you to decide whether you want to charge for the top-up, and how much. You can set a price per kWh, define a monthly flat rate, or offer a free top-up as a benefit in kind.

Would you like to install electric charging stations

in your company car park and benefit from a solution to manage their sharing?

Turnkey features with Sharvy!


No visibility of the availability or unavailability of charging stations before they reach the car park.

Reserving a parking space equipped with a charging point in advance is impossible.

Your employees cannot manage & monitor their vehicle’s charging remotely.

Your employees receive no information about recharging.

There is no supervision for using an electric charging point & and there is difficulty in billing for it.

No expert advice on the installation and operation of charging points in the company car park.

No anticipation of the regulations that will apply to companies in the future.


Give your teams visibility of the availability or unavailability of charging stations in your car park.
Allow them to reserve a parking space equipped with a charging point.
Allow them to start and stop charging (remotely) from the Sharvy application.
Offer your employees real-time monitoring : power & recharged energy (KWh).
Supervise the use of charging stations & obtain various data to facilitate pricing.
Benefit from support from Sharvy experts : feasibility study & project sizing.
Put your company on the road to (future) compliance with environmental regulations.

Integrations with third-party solutions to enhance the user experience

Sharvy is an approved reseller of Go-e charging stations and can interface with other market players with the OCPP 1.6 protocol. Contact us to discuss!


Discover all the features of Sharvy to create a sustainable mobility and services hub for your employees and visitors.

Hundreds of companies, communities and universities use Sharvy on a daily basis

Subsea 7
Burger King
Ralph Lauren

Frequently asked questions

Can the Sharvy application control any electric charging stations?

Sharvy is an approved reseller of Go-e charging stations and can interface with other market players with the OCPP 1.6 protocol, such as Wallbox Copper and Lektri 1PK7.

A significant advantage of the OCPP 1.6 protocol is its flexibility. It offers many features that facilitate communication between charging points and management systems, such as Sharvy. These features include starting and stopping charging sessions, transmitting information on the status of charging stations, managing charging, and much more.

Is managing home recharging made easier with the Sharvy application?

Equipping your employees with a home charging point is the perfect way to give them a head start on switching from internal combustion to electric vehicles! However, if the installation of a private charging point only concerns a defined group of employees (in particular, those with a company car), the remote management of these charging points can scare off more than one company.

But don’t panic! Thanks to Sharvy, your fleet manager can use the application to monitor consumption linked to recharging the battery (calculated independently) from household consumption. Employees no longer need to send a consumption statement to their employer, which is a cumbersome and error-prone process. The result is greater convenience for employees who go home to recharge their vehicle to 80% (or 100%) at night and at weekends, for example, and time savings for your fleet manager.

Why use an application like Sharvy to manage your electric charging stations?

By 2030, 50% of the company car fleet must be electric and/or rechargeable hybrid.

At the same time, the UK government’s new EV charging requirements came into force in England as of June 2022 : now, all new non-residential buildings with more than 10 parking spaces must have a minimum of one charge point and cable routes for one in five (20%) of the total number of spaces. In addition, all non-residential buildings undergoing a significant renovation with more than 10 parking spaces must have at least one charge point and cable routes for one in five spaces.

In this sense, this obligation will multiply the recharging stations in company car parks and make their management more complex. The Sharvy application will not only enable fleet managers to anticipate the conversion of their vehicle fleets from internal combustion to electric, it will also facilitate and optimise (in the long term) the operation, maintenance and marketing of electric charging points in your company car park.

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