Parking policy – White Paper

Parking policy – White Paper

White paper : Revamp your company parking policy ! Over the years, the management of company car park has (very often) been relegated to the background, so much so that it was perceived as a sufficiently abundant and economically negligible resource. This was partly...

Case study UpCoop – Car park

UpCoop went from a car park with 600 spaces to 310 spaces when it moved, without affecting the QWL and well-being of its employees, thanks to Sharvy. 2023 Deployment of Sharvy 310 Spaces to manage 1000 Users 2 months Deployment time Context of UpCoop In spring 2023,...
Infography flex office : what are the prospects ?

Infography flex office : what are the prospects ?

Flex office : what are the prospects ? – Infography The brightest companies know this : workspaces are veritable sanctuaries where creativity takes flight and productivity soars to new heights. Strangely enough, many companies (still) need to unleash the full...

Case study IRD – Car park

The IRD has made its company car park a shared asset, sharing its 40 spaces among its 260 employees thanks to Sharvy. 2021 Deployment of Sharvy 260 Users 40 Spaces to manage 2 months Deployment time Context of IRD The IRD ( Institute of Research for Development) is a...