
Company car park : what are the practices? – Infography

Today, although a proportion of home-to-work journeys are made by public transport, a non-negligible balance is still made individually (car, two-wheeler, utility vehicle, etc.). Faced with this reality, we were curious to know companies’ practices about managing their car park(s). Our results are presented in this infographic!


The issues surrounding company car park management and optimization are now signed in many ways. On the one hand, the company car park is the entry point to their working environment for many employees. But, on the other hand, for visitors, it is often the first contact with the company they are visiting.

Therefore, the issue of smooth and safe access to the car park is a prerequisite for a positive parking experience for users. However, company parking rarely benefits all users. Faced with a shortage of spaces, what solutions are preferred? What infrastructures are put in place? At the same time, is there a progression of sustainable mobility? At Sharvy, we have put together the key figures and trends on this subject in infographic to give you an overview of the current situation.

Download the infography

About Sharvy

Sharvy develops and markets a digital solution for managing and optimizing shared spaces in companies (parking, workstations, cafeterias, etc). The objective: to facilitate the reservation of spaces by employees, to encourage their mobility and to support new ways of work (flex office, flex desk, hybrid work, etc).

The application can be used by all types of companies and local authorities with resource optimization issues, all around the world.

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