What is Desk Hoteling?- Definition

Desk Hoteling is an office space management strategy that allows employees to book their workstation before arriving at the office, using a dedicated app or website. This approach transforms the way spaces are used in businesses, enabling a flexible and efficient allocation of resources. By adapting the use of desks to the real and immediate needs, Desk Hoteling helps to avoid underutilization of spaces and to adapt work environments to the requirements of projects and teams.

Moreover, Desk Hoteling offers numerous benefits for both employees and companies.

For employees, it:
  • Provides more flexible working conditions, allowing employees to choose where and when they work, which promotes a better balance between professional and personal life.
  • Reduces stress related to adhering to rigid schedules and improves quality of life at work through a more adaptive environment.
For companies, it:

  • Allows better utilization of office spaces, thereby reducing real estate costs through more efficient resource management.
  • Contributes to a reduction in absenteeism and an improvement in productivity by providing employees with the necessary tools to succeed.
  • Expands recruitment opportunities by reducing geographical constraints, and enhances the appeal of the employer brand.anced settings.

What are the differences between Desk Hoteling, Hot Desking, and Hospitality Management, and how to choose among them?

While Desk Hoteling facilitates advanced booking of workstations, Hot Desking offers a spontaneous approach, providing great flexibility. Indeed, employees freely choose an available space upon arrival, which can maximize resource utilization. However, this method can also lead to a lack of available workstations, particularly during peak hours. Therefore, Hot Desking is especially suited for companies with a high turnover rate and varying needs throughout the day.

Furthermore, Hospitality Management enhances these two methods by focusing on improving the overall experience of employees. Originally used in the hotel and tourism industry to optimize visitor experiences, this concept is increasingly applied in the professional world. It involves replicating hospitality standards within companies, incorporating services such as reception, catering, access to company parking, workstation booking, etc., to improve the daily lives of employees. What was ancillary yesterday becomes added value today, transforming work environments into warm and welcoming spaces where employee well-being is a priority.

Ultimately, deciding whether to adopt Desk Hoteling or Hot Desking, as well as integrating Hospitality Management, should align with the company’s culture and objectives. Desk Hoteling structures the use of spaces, Hot Desking adds flexibility to it, and Hospitality Management transforms these environments into more vibrant and wellness-focused places. Each method has its value, and their combination can create a workspace where efficiency and quality of life mutually reinforce each other.

How does Sharvy enhance the implementation of Desk Hoteling in organizations?

Sharvy offers a comprehensive solution for managing and optimizing workspace through its workstation booking application. Here’s how the system effectively supports Desk Hoteling:

  • Intuitive reservation and space management : Users can book a workstation based on their needs by an easy-to-use app that displays real-time space availability. This ensures efficient resource allocation and prevents unnecessary office vacancy.

  • Automatic allocation of workstations : Sharvy’s fair algorithm automatically assigns available workstations based on teams and specific needs, thus facilitating daily space management and ensuring optimal distribution.

  • Advanced integrations : Sharvy’s system synchronizes with internal company tools, including access control systems and HR software (HRIS), for simplified and secure workspace management.

  • Statistics and reporting : Sharvy’s dashboards provide detailed statistics on space usage, allowing managers to optimize occupancy and adapt facilities to the changing needs of the business.

By using Sharvy, companies can not only improve the flexibility and efficiency of their work arrangements but also promote a collaborative and dynamic environment, aligned with the principles of Desk Hoteling.