What is Activity Based Working – Definition

Activity Based Working (ABW) is a concept that redefines the standards of corporate workspace, moving away from traditional models such as open space, known for its challenges in terms of noise and lack of privacy. This innovative model is based on a flexible approach where no employee has a fixed desk. Instead, they select their workspace based on the activity they need to perform, thus optimizing their efficiency according to their immediate needs

In an ABW environment, various work areas are designed to support specific activities, from tasks requiring concentration and isolation to dynamic areas conducive to collaboration and innovation. For example, phone boxes for private calls, huddle rooms for small collaborative meetings, or relaxation areas for breaks. This system requires an adaptation on the part of the company, which must provide these diverse environments and involve employees in the transformation process, to ensure an effective transition accepted by all.

This modular approach allows for more efficient use of spaces and requires that the company take into account the diverse needs of its employees for successful adaptation.

In contrast, the flex office emphasizes efficiency and cost reduction. In the flex office, the number of workstations is often less than the number of employees, which means that employees choose where to work based on availability, and not necessarily because the space is most suited to their task at the moment. This method can maximize space use but does not always guarantee that the chosen space is ideally designed for the specific activity of the employee.

What are the advantages of Activity Based Working?

Beyond redefining spaces, Activity based working offers advantages that manifest at various levels within the company:

1. Optimization of workspace and cost reduction: ABW transforms traditional offices into multipurpose spaces that meet various needs, such as meeting rooms and concentration zones. This flexibility not only allows for more efficient use of space but also reduces operational costs by minimizing the need for fixed desks.

2. Improvement of productivity and well-being: By adapting spaces to specific activities, ABW increases productivity by allowing employees to work in environments optimized for their tasks. This adaptation also contributes to better well-being at work through greater autonomy in choosing the location and work hours, thus reducing stress and increasing job satisfaction.

3. Strengthening collaboration: The diversity of spaces encourages greater interaction among employees, facilitating collaboration and the sharing of ideas. This enhances the sense of team belonging and stimulates motivation.

4. Attraction and retention of talent: A dynamic and flexible work environment attracts talent looking for modern and adaptive working conditions. ABW makes the company more attractive to new talent and helps retain employees.

5. Overall positive impact on the company: The integration of ABW leads to an improvement in organizational flexibility and overall performance, with more engaged and productive teams.

Thus, through its various advantages, ABW is not just a physical rearrangement of offices but a comprehensive strategy that responds to the evolving requirements of the modern professional world, benefiting both employees and the organization as a whole.

What is the benefit of using a desk booking solution when a company is organized in Activity Based Working?

In the context of Activity Based Working, integrating a desk booking solution is a crucial step in realizing the flexibility and efficiency of this work model. Desk booking provides a practical response to the logistical challenges posed by non-assigned workspaces, thereby facilitating the transition to a more agile management of company resources.

Desk booking simplifies the allocation of workstations by allowing employees to reserve the space they need, when they need it. This method eliminates the daily stress of finding a suitable desk upon arriving at the office, ensuring that each employee starts their day under the best conditions. It directly supports efficiency by allowing employees to focus on their tasks immediately, without wasting time at the start of the day.

This flexibility in choosing a workspace not only promotes better productivity but also greater job satisfaction. Employees feel valued and autonomous, which positively contributes to their daily engagement and effectiveness.

Adopting a desk booking solution like Sharvy in an ABW environment is therefore much more than just a logistical convenience. It’s a strategy that actively supports the principles of flexibility and adaptability, which are essential for effectively meeting the evolving needs of modern businesses.