Sarah Leon joined the Sharvy adventure in April 2024, as an Internship R&D Developer. Learn more about her and her profession in this interview!

Hello Sarah, could you introduce yourself and tell us about your background before joining the R&D team at Sharvy as an intern?

Hello, my name is Sarah and I recently joined the R&D team at Sharvy as an intern. My career path is somewhat atypical! I started with an academic background in biology ecology, leading to a Master’s degree in this field. Passionate about knowledge transfer, I then spent eight years teaching biology, ecology, and microbiology. This experience was enriching, allowing me to deepen my understanding of these disciplines while sharing my knowledge.

Subsequently, I transitioned to a more creative role, working for six years in animation and creation. During this time, I had the opportunity to manage the digital part of my activities, including website management and beginner-level SEO optimization. This experience was a turning point, awakening my interest in digital technology and its vast possibilities.

In 2022, I felt the need to retrain. After a thorough skills assessment, I developed a passion for the field of computer development. Motivated by this new path, I undertook three months of guided learning, followed by a period of self-taught study, to acquire the essential basics of development. I then joined an intensive training program in October 2023. Despite my limited initial background in this field, this training was a way for me to test my ability to quickly assimilate the key concepts of the profession.

Computer development is a dynamic field that is constantly evolving, offering a diversity of languages and applications that require continuous knowledge updating. My natural curiosity sometimes led me to scatter my efforts, but this intensive training helped me focus my energy and concentrate on the essential skills required to become an R&D developer.

Aware that I was not yet ready to enter the professional world at the end of these three months, I chose to continue my learning through a degree program with an internship. This format combines classroom theory and practical company experience, which I find particularly effective in refining my career change and preparing me best for the real challenges of the profession.

What motivated you to choose Sharvy for your internship in R&D development?

When I was looking for a place to continue my training as an intern, it was important for me to find a company that would not only foster my professional growth but also offer a stimulating and collaborative work environment. Sharvy emerged as the ideal choice for several reasons.

First, the team spirit and structure of Sharvy perfectly matched what I was looking for. It was necessary for me to integrate into a small company where proximity and daily interaction with colleagues facilitate a rapid and efficient skill development. Additionally, I wanted my learning to be guided by someone with a real ability to share their knowledge. My meeting with Sébastien, the Chief Technology Officer, was decisive. From our first discussions during the interviews, I felt a great rapport, which reinforced my choice. Sébastien was able to show me how Sharvy could help me evolve and fully leverage my potential. His vision and approach to development convinced me that I could not only learn a great deal but also make a significant contribution to the project, to the Sharvy solution.

Finally, Sharvy’s image conveyed through various social networks played a triggering role. The way the company presented itself, the projects showcased, and the testimonials from collaborators reflected a place where innovation and the well-being of employees are at the heart of concerns. This perception matched exactly the professional environment in which I wished to evolve.

Choosing Sharvy for my internship was therefore a well-considered decision, combining personal and professional aspirations, and so far, I absolutely do not regret my choice. In addition to the excellent supervision, I get along very well with the development team, especially with Nicolas and Gauthier, the two R&D developers, as well as with Anne-Laure, the second intern in Data Engineering. Together, we share knowledge, face challenges, and help advance Sharvy’s projects, thus creating a dynamic and motivating atmosphere.

Can you describe a typical day for you at Sharvy? What are your main activities?

My day at Sharvy starts with a quiet moment: I arrive, grab a coffee, and read my emails and messages on Teams, which helps me get updated on what’s happening in the team and the company.

Then, I set up my work environment by launching essential software like Visual Studio, VSCode, and my test server. If I’m not already busy with a specific task, I check the list of projects for the current sprint, prepared by Sébastien and Camille, the customer support manager, and start working.

At Sharvy, we adopt the agile method for our project management, where a sprint, lasting 15 days, is used to plan and execute tasks. During this period, major tasks, such as new installations or bug fixes, are broken down into smaller sub-tasks. This allows each team member, including myself, to focus on specific and manageable objectives, thus promoting efficiency and collaboration.

Towards the end of the sprint, we focus on testing the latest changes made to the application, to ensure that everything works perfectly before making these changes available to our customers. These tests are crucial to maintain the high quality of our platform.

My schedule also includes several meetings over these two weeks. Two are specifically with the development team to discuss our progress and challenges, and another is a more general meeting with the whole company that keeps us informed about ongoing and upcoming projects. I find these moments important for good coordination and for sharing ideas that can improve our work.

Lunch is another key moment of my day, where I often eat with my colleagues on-site. It’s a time to relax where we share games, sports activities, and discussions. This helps us get to know each other better and strengthens our team spirit.

Which aspects of your work as an R&D developer do you prefer and why?

In my role as an R&D developer at Sharvy, the aspect I most enjoy is undoubtedly the challenge of finding the source of a bug and developing a solution to resolve it. There’s something profoundly satisfying about deciphering a complex problem and finding the key to unlock it. Of course, in an ideal world, we’d prefer there to be no bugs at all, but the reality of software development is such that bugs are inevitable.

Each bug is like a little mystery to solve. It often starts with a diagnostic phase, where I need to analyze the code, understand where and why the expected behavior is not occurring. This step can be like looking for a needle in a haystack, especially in a complex system with many interdependencies.

Finding the solution requires not only technical understanding but also a good dose of creativity and perseverance. Every resolved bug is a victory, not only because it directly improves the quality of our product, but also because it offers a valuable learning opportunity. It’s rewarding to see the direct impact of my work when the problem is resolved and the software functions better.

This process also allows me to better understand our system and anticipate other potential problems. This makes my work in R&D particularly dynamic and enriching, as every day brings its own set of challenges and discoveries.

How would you describe the work culture at Sharvy?

The work culture at Sharvy is truly unique, and it’s one of the reasons why I enjoy working here so much. It is fundamentally based on friendliness, mutual respect, and support, which creates an extremely pleasant and stimulating environment.

At Sharvy, communication is open and easy. What I find particularly remarkable is the accessibility of everyone, from new interns to members of the management team. The hierarchy, although it exists to structure the company, is not felt in our day-to-day life. This allows everyone to feel valued and to have the opportunity to fully contribute to our projects without feeling constrained by formal barriers.

It’s really a collective effort where everyone can propose ideas, receive support for their initiatives, and collaborate with other departments without friction. This culture promotes better efficiency in our projects but also strengthens the sense of belonging and well-being at work.

In short, Sharvy cultivates an atmosphere where friendliness and professionalism coexist harmoniously, allowing us to thrive as professionals while genuinely enjoying each day spent at the office.

Do you have a passion or hobby outside of work?

Outside of work, I have several passions that I find enrich my skills as an R&D developer at Sharvy. One of my favorite activities is sports, particularly squash, which is an excellent way for me to unwind after a day’s work. Squash is an intense sport that requires a lot of endurance and reactivity, and I particularly enjoy the strategic aspect of the game. Although I no longer participate in competitions since the birth of my son, I played at a high level in the past, and I plan to resume competing next year, although not at the same level of competitiveness 😊 These experiences have taught me the importance of perseverance and determination, essential qualities when facing complex challenges at work, like bug fixing or optimizing our code.

Additionally, I also engage in manual crafts, such as sewing and DIY, and I have even made jewelry in the past. These activities require great patience and meticulous attention to detail, skills that are directly transferable to my role as a developer. Whether it’s following sewing patterns or assembling small parts to create jewelry, I’ve learned to approach each project with method and precision.

These hobbies not only help me relax and disconnect from work, but they also have a positive impact on my ability to stay focused and maintain a meticulous approach in my development projects. 😊

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