At a time when environmental issues and the quest for more sustainable mobility are the focus of contemporary attention, thoughtful car park optimization is emerging as an enlightened strategy for encouraging the use of soft mobility within the company.
Over and above its logistical significance, this approach is proving to be an invaluable lever for shaping corporate culture, promoting eco-responsible practices, and stimulating employee commitment to environmentally friendly modes of travel.
In this article, we explore the importance of the company car park as a catalyst for soft mobility and show how it can provide a natural opening for developing other forms of mobility (electric and rechargeable hybrid vehicles, car-sharing, bicycles, and NEVs).
Redesigning your company car park for soft mobility !
The first task for a company wishing to promote soft mobility & electric mobility is to redesign its car park accordingly. First, it must install charging points for electric and rechargeable hybrid vehicles. As of June 2022, all new buildings in the UK, as well asthose undergoing major renovations with more than 10 parking spaces, will be required to have a charging point. To support this approach, companies can benefit from the Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS), offered by the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV). This reduces the cost of purchasing and installing a charging point at the workplace by 75% (capped at £350 per socket). Note that a single company can request a maximum of 40 outlets.
At the same time, the company can reserve some spaces in its car park for employees who carpool. Similarly, it can reserve spaces for two-wheelers and New Electric and Personal Vehicles (NEVs). This means rethinking the car park layout to make room for these so-called “softer” means of transport.
For example, consider a company that has decided to offer a bike-sharing service to its employees. By installing a secure and covered bike parking area and creating bike paths connecting the parking lot to the main building, the company actively encourages its employees to use this eco-friendly mode of transportation. This initiative not only reduces the company’s carbon footprint but also strengthens its commitment to sustainable development and CSR efforts.
To help you, you can download our ckecklist for optimising your company car park!
In addition, the car park must also be secure to encourage specific modes of transport : barriers at the entrance with restricted access, video surveillance, access control, a guard, etc. For example, people will be more inclined to come by bike if they know that it will be in a secure place and that there is no risk of being damaged or stolen, as can happen in the street. The same applies to carpooling. Waiting for your passengers and/or driver will be much more reassuring, encouraging this practice. What’s more, it must comply with some regulations that the employer must be able to put in place!
Moreover, car park is becoming more intelligent and optimized to rethink parking and meet new needs. As a result, they are no longer just rows of spaces but areas that have been designed, thought through, and equipped. The smart parking is also connected to make it easier to use and share among more employees. This is one of Sharvy missions : to offer an application allowing each employee to reserve and/or free a parking space according to their profile and vehicle type. Thanks to the application and in a concise area of time, you can optimize the occupancy rate of your company car park and improve your CSR policy.
A better brand image with a company car park at the service of soft mobility
Designing a car park to make it more easily accessible and usable for alternative modes of transport contributes to their expansion and adoption by the greatest number. A company that favours these alternative modes of transport will see its brand image improved. Indeed, a company that promotes actions in favour of the environment, ecology and its employees immediately improves its brand image.
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is today a major axis of communication for the employer brand and increasingly affects young graduates and employees who are sensitive to these issues. So, it’s time to take matters into your own hands and embark on various CSR initiatives to make your company more attractive.
Are you curious to find out what companies are doing about company car parks? Download our dedicated infographic and get inspired by the success of other companies.
The importance of intelligent car park management in encouraging soft mobility
Intelligent management of your car park is essential to encouraging the adoption of soft mobility. Thanks to connected technologies, you can optimise the use of space and improve the experience of your employees.
For example, applications such as Sharvy enable everyone to reserve a space in real time, easily identify available spaces and release a space once parking is complete.
This reduces the time wasted looking for a space and maximises the occupation of the various spaces, particularly for electric vehicles, bicycles or scooters.
- Less stress about finding a space
- Optimisation of space for greater efficiency
- Better management of charging points and resources
This optimised management reinforces the company’s ecological commitment, while offering a more practical and modern working environment.
In conclusion
Promoting soft mobility through a well-thought-out parking policy goes beyond purely environmental considerations to become a fundamental pillar of corporate culture. By encouraging the use of environmentally friendly modes of transport, the company is part of a positive dynamic that promotes its teams’ health, well-being, and cohesion.
Optimizing the company car park, when thought through with foresight and integrated into a global vision, helps to forge an innovative corporate identity that is aware of its impact on the surrounding ecosystem. This investment in sustainable practices represents a concrete commitment to a future that is more respectful of our planet while defining the company as a responsible and progressive player in today’s business landscape.
Have a question ? Check out the FAQ !
How can a company’s car park be adapted to promote sustainable mobility ?
To adapt a company car park to promote sustainable mobility, it is important to install appropriate infrastructure such as charging stations for electric and hybrid vehicles, reserved spaces for carpooling, and secure areas for bicycles and PEVs (Personal Electric Vehicles). Additionally, securing the car park with measures like video surveillance and access control is crucial to encourage the use of these transport modes.
What are the benefits for a company in promoting sustainable mobility ?
Promoting sustainable mobility enhances the company’s brand image by demonstrating its commitment to the environment and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). It attracts young talent who are sensitive to ecological issues, strengthens company culture, and improves the quality of work life by reducing stress related to commuting. Furthermore, optimising the car park for sustainable mobility can lead to better space management and more efficient occupancy rates.
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