Oct 11, 2023 | Company car park
One hour a day. On average, that’s how long a private vehicle is used. The rest of the time, it’s stationary! In other words, for a personal vehicle to be possible, the car park is the starting point and the climax of any journey. It is the sine qua non of...
Sep 27, 2023 | Market trends
There’s no doubt about it : the life of a company, large or small, is punctuated by positive and negative events, decisions, and turning points that need to be taken confidently. Between the strategic, human, and operational challenges, it’s clear...
Sep 13, 2023 | Work space
Billed as “the way of the future”, flexible working is the opposite of a rigid 9am to 6pm working structure. It is rooted in the freedom to choose when, how, and where to work. From the status of an option to that of a norm expected by most employees,...
Aug 23, 2023 | Market trends
At a time when global economic growth is at half-mast, shaken by the Covid-19 crisis, and when the new generation is asserting its intransigence on social, environmental, and ethical issues, the evolution of work is being questioned. While the “Future of...
Aug 9, 2023 | Company car park
Isn’t it time to (finally) shake things up within companies? Over the last few years, we can see the inertia of our mobility system is set to continue. Despite the efforts already made to encourage the transition to sustainable mobility, dependence on the car...