Dec 20, 2023 | Company car park
As an essential corollary to electric mobility, the network of charging points is being intensified across the UK to absorb the exponential growth in sales of electric vehicles. However, the availability and coverage of these facilities in the UK still need to be...
Dec 6, 2023 | Market trends
Observers of the business world have been hammering it home for years: the health crisis has reshuffled the deck in the world of work & from now on, the HR sector must transform itself to respond to the new changes in the workplace and the new expectations of...
Nov 22, 2023 | Work space
The spleen of ghost offices? Here’s a curious metaphor that has descended on British life since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, with its corollary : teleworking. The origin of this metaphor is as follows : since the end of the pandemic, the United Kingdom...
Nov 8, 2023 | Company car park
A source of revenue as well as injustice, the company car park now raises thorny questions, multiple debates, and numerous paradoxes. In the past, companies did not have to worry about managing their company car park(s) precisely because the resource of...
Oct 25, 2023 | Market trends
At the cutting edge of innovation, smart buildings are about to make a lasting difference in the daily lives of thousands of businesses. Suppose it comes close to the futuristic visions thought up and imagined by the directors of the twentieth century’s greatest...