The IRD has made its company car park a shared asset, sharing its 40 spaces among its 260 employees thanks to Sharvy.

Deployment of Sharvy
Spaces to manage
2 months
Deployment time
Context of IRD
The IRD ( Institute of Research for Development) is a multidisciplinary French public research organisation which, for nearly 80 years, has been committed to equitable partnerships with the countries of the South and the French Overseas Territories. Together, scientists and the Institute’s partners propose concrete solutions to the global challenges facing societies and the planet.
In 2021, the IRD has put the emphasis on an approach to improve QWL, in particular with the possibility of 3 days of teleworking per week. The widespread use of hybrid working and the IRD’s energy-saving plan have raised the question of how to optimise parking spaces.
Before Sharvy, a system of parking spaces allocated on a yearly basis was used. However, with 40 spaces for 260 employees, even with teleworking, even when not everyone travels by car, the situation is mathematically bound to lead to frustration, and the issue is a thorny one! Especially as the car park is not always full on a daily basis, due to absences (holidays, illness, appointments, etc). In short, parking is one of the irritants of everyday office life.

“Finding that the car park has structurally vacant spaces, when staff are denied access, is unsatisfactory for everyone, both users and the logistics department. In the logistics department, we were able from time to time to recover spaces during the holidays of a year-round beneficiary and alocate them to colleagues. But what a waste of time and energy, and potential criticism. We knew there had to be a more agile solution!”
Head of Purchasing, Assets and Logistics, IRD
Setting up of Sharvy
The IRD wanted to have the Sharvy application in place for the new year 2022. This is why, and in only 2 months from October, the solution was effective within the IRD. In just a few weeks, the IRD teams, supported by Sharvy, set up their space.
The 40 spaces remain allocated by name all year round by the Parking Commission. However, these car, motorbike and bicycle parking spaces must now be confirmed by the people concerned each week when they receive the Sharvy notification, in order to be maintained, otherwise, they automatically fall into the common pot, and are allocated by Sharvy to requesters in accordance with the priority rules defined by the IRD. Sharvy has arrived to put an end to criticism by automating and establishing equity in the allocation of parking spaces.
The application’s administrators also have the power to “force” the system and reserve a priority space for members of the IRD’s Board of Directors, should the need arise.
Favourite features

The 5 features most used by IRD on a daily basis are:
- Reservation and release of spaces by agents, enabling the sharing of parking spaces between everyone (the flex parking).
- Single Sign On, to facilitate and secure agent authentication to the application.
- User profiling, including car park space holders, priority users and regular requesters.
- A dynamic map of the car park, so that staff can easily identify which space is allocated to them and where is it.
- Administrator reservation of spaces for VIP visitors, VIPs, etc.
Benefits noted
The Sharvy solution has made it possible to use the company car park as a common asset, where spaces are shared between staff. Now, more than 260 employees working on the site, plus external colleagues from the offices of the South-East Regional Delegation, can register on the Sharvy application to take advantage of a temporary space if they wish.
The application, which is a real advantage for employees, was quickly adopted by all staff. Whereas only 40 people had access to the car park before, now all staff can benefit from it. The introduction of Sharvy is part of the IRD’s QWL approach.

“The application was adopted in record time. And even those who don’t often come by car have created an account on Sharvy, so they have the option of taking their car and having a parking space in a district where it’s often a headache.”
Head of Purchasing, Assets and Logistics, IRD
More case studies to discover…
Do you need to optimise your company car park? Do you want to modernise access and management?
Follow the lead of IRD and opt for Sharvy!
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